Tails From the Field
Ayrshire Farm News & Updates

Snow Days on the Farm: No Rest for the Weathered
When it snows, there’s no hitting pause on farm life — our animals rely on us to keep them warm, fed, and safe in all conditions.
A Better Bird for a Better Thanksgiving
Since 2004, Ayrshire Farm has been raising turkeys on its regenerative pastures the right way: with ample space to roam, unlimited access to fresh food and water, and natural habitats in which to thrive.
Fall Calving Season Brings New Beginnings
This year’s crop of babies ushers in a new generation of Scottish Highland cattle on Ayrshire Farm.

Birds, Trees & Mud Baths Offer Summer Comfort
Even in the sweltering heat of summer, Ayrshire Farm’s commitment to organic, sustainable farming practices shines through.
The Art of Organic Hay Production
At Ayrshire Farm, making hay is not just a means of providing food for livestock, but a beneficial part of regenerative agriculture.

The secret to better beef? It’s in the soil.
For more than 25 years, Ayrshire Farm has relied on “no-till” farming, a sustainable-agriculture practice that minimizes ground disturbance and rebuilds healthy topsoil the natural way.

Two new pickup locations added for Meat Boxes
We’ve added new locations for our monthly beef and pork bundles, thanks to partnerships with the Willowsford Conservancy & Farm and the Buchanan Hall Farmers Market.

Good farming starts from the ground up
Composting plays a crucial role in regenerative agriculture, where the health of the soil is paramount and farming harmonizes with nature.

Regenerative farming conserves rare cattle breeds
Spring calving season ushers in a new crop of Ancient White Parks and English Longhorns.

A star is born: Meet Emelye
Ayrshire Farm welcomes the newest addition to its Shire family.

Say hello to 2024’s first calf
A rare all-black Ancient White Park kicks off the spring calving season.

Shires turn heads at regional events
Ayrshire’s carriage team claims first place at Lexington Junior League hose show.
Owls on the prowl
A “blended family” of owls is released on the farm after rehabilitation.